The Coronavirus pandemic curtailed the proper functioning of many sectors of the economy. Culture and creative industries were not spared as the work of many practitioners came to a halt. The Ghana Culture Forum in partnership with the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) held series of webinar conversations to dialogue about the impact of Covid-19 and the way forward for cultural practitioners.
Two sessions were held on 21st May and 10th June, 2020. Resolutions and key recommendations from the online conversations to improve the cultural sector are as follows:
Research and Data Collection – Stakeholder mapping and Economic Contributions of the Creative Industry to Ghana’s Economy.
Capacity Building/ Training on the following areas: Digital literacy – online marketing, cultural and arts education, how to manage business successfully, alternative business approaches
Advocacy for the enactment and implementation of the Cultural Policy, Cultural Trust Fund and Creative Industries Bil
One-stop Shop /Information Centre /Ghanaian Online market for the Creative Industry
Sectorial Empowerment – Strengthening existing institutions and associations to serve as a collective voice for each sector.
The Ghana Culture Forum is currently in communication with UNESCO about funding key projects geared at realising all resolutions from the conversations.
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